Cut back perennials. Prune evergreens. Plant woody vines, trees, shrubs, bulbs, rhizomes. Prep flower beds with soil conditioner and mulch.
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Plant Rye grass over warm weather lawns. Plant Camelias, plants, trees, shrubs. Fertilize winter flowers. Prep flower beds with soil conditioner and mulch.
Aerate, fertilize & overseed Fescue. Plant spring flowering bulbs. Divide Hostas, Cast Iron, Lillies, Iris. Plant winter flowers such as snapdragons, pansies.
Aerate, fertilize & overseed Fescue. Plant winter flowers such as pansies. Add pine straw cover to flower beds.
Closely monitor water needs of plants. Fertilize roses. Prune deadheads from flowering plants. Plant fall blooming plants.